• July 07, 2020 6:40 am
  • by Ajanth

My experience when I hired a freelancer for my IT Project

  • July 07, 2020 6:40 am
  • by Ajanth
Jerry John

CEO of a Logistics Firm in the US

“Developing a custom web app for my logistics business was a great challenge for me as my web app idea was unique and I had no idea at that time who to consult to fulfill my requirements. As desperate times call for desperate measures, I hired a freelance developer from India to work on my project. I made this decision with the sole aim to reduce my development cost to a bare minimum without compromising on its quality and at the same time investing more time and money on my marketing efforts.

During the initial period of development, things went well and I found no delays in his delivery and he was perfectly meeting my deadlines. But later on, things began to get sketchy as the one who I’ve hired couldn’t adapt and handle the changing scope of my project. In no time I realized my mistake of hiring the wrong guy for my project. As I was not satisfied with his work, I’ve later decided to pay him off and hire a new freelance programmer from India for my project. The hiring process itself consumed much of my valuable time and also burned a hole in my pocket; however, the code quality that I’ve received from my second freelance hire was way below my expectations. Apart from that, he failed to maintain effective communication, missed status updates, and delayed to resolve issues of my project. At this stage, I even doubted that he was committing on some other project concurrently to my project. Thus, hiring a freelance developer for my project proved to be the wrong decision for me.

By this point, I’ve spent a quarter of my total development cost on freelancers and it left me nowhere. The only option with me at that time was to hire an onsite developer who can work under my direct supervision. But the hourly rates of onsite developers were way more than I can afford. So, I decided to search for an alternate model for this on the internet and discovered the cost benefits and quality that you get by hiring developers from an offshore software development company in India.

In my search for the best offshore development company from where I can hire quality talents, I came across with Vofox Solutions, which delivered me highly skilled developers to work on my project within my agreed time-frame. Their developer’s attitude towards work and focus to deliver excellent solutions was incomparable to the experience that I’ve got from freelancers. Here are some of the positive traits that I’ve found by partnering up with Vofox:

  • Unlike other offshore development vendors, Vofox has one of their offices in the US which gave me a great convenience to interact with their team face to face.
  • They operate with a great level of transparency and responsiveness, which sets them apart from other vendors and are highly transparent in their workflow and the financial part.

Partnering up with Vofox also gave me a secure feeling as they signed an NDA(Non-Disclosure Agreement) with us during the hiring process. Moreover, the team of developers that I’ve hired from Vofox regularly met deadlines and deliver each task on time. Hiring developers from Vofox has been the best decision that I’ve made and it helped me to launch my logistics web app with minimal bugs within my budget.”

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